Sir Robert Bond, Prime Minister of Newfoundland from 1900-1909, and regarded as one of it’s greatest politicians built “The Grange” on an 8 square mile parcel of land in Harbour Grace Junction, which later became Whitbourne.
This elaborate English country estate with a large Edwardian-style house was a sight to behold nestled on a hill overlooking Junction Pond. Bond planted thousands of flowering plants, shrubs and trees that were not native to Newfoundland. The grounds were laid out with walkways and terraces and decorated with statuary, urns and gas lamps. He experimented with various types of vegetables and imported Ayrshire cattle, which he raised for their milk, which he sold.
The house itself consisted of a large entrance hall, leading to the library, drawing room, and a big dining room that opened to a billiard room. Bond obviously had a love for nature, as the halls were decorated with fauna and tropical plants. Upon his retirement from politics, this is where Sir Robert spent the majority of his time and where he felt most at home.
When Sir Robert died, he left his land to the people of Newfoundland, which was kept by his nephew for around two decades. The house is no longer in existence, but part of the estate is now Sir Robert Bond Park, with beautiful old towering trees, the old steps and a monument dedicated to Sir Robert Bond. The park is also noted for an unusual abundance of northern lichens including the relatively rare Degelia plumbea or blue felt lichen Degelia which flourishes along the Whitbourne landscape and it is the only place in North America that you will fine it.